Most people know Lorre White as “The Luxury Guru”, the media icon. Lorre is on TV, Radio and Magazines with educational /entertainment information about the luxury sector. Lorre White is to the wealthy, what Martha Stewart is to the middle class. While Martha teaches housewives how to live well beyond there means by making it themselves, Lorre shows her wealthy followers where buy the best of the best, no matter the price, in all luxury categories. Lorre's popularity has grown organically from the US to Europe, where she is frequently the celebrity featured in magazines and she contributes to large European Luxury and Fashion magazines with her own column.
This interest in Lorre's work has started to spread globally.The power of the personality is seen when Oprah, a multimedia icon for social awareness, mentions some obscure book and the next day it is on the top sellers list. A trusted media personality is what creates the invitation to return, the trust that you can believe what is being presented and gives power to the channel. Lorre is the only luxury media personality and has a long success record of working in the luxury field. She offers a trusted insider’s perspective on luxury.
Half of the world’s wealth is controlled by the top 2% of the population. 92 % of the world’s UHNW (Ultra High Net Worth) is new money, and 80% of them have had it only 10 years or less. This means that the ones controlling most of the wealth globally are not brand aware. Lorre is the trusted insider that they rely on learn about luxury brands, new products, jet set events, and all things relative to this small elite group. “Luxury brands that use to just be able to ride on their reputation, must now aggressively educate these individuals about their brand. “These individual did not grow up with the old luxury brands. I educate them on being able to distinguish the differences through a format that protects their ego. The UHNW has the lowest response rate to traditional ads and they respond best to the influence of peers; my shows are affective in reaching this group” said Lorre. She also has a popular luxury blog with a wealthy following.
Ms White’s years of experience in private aviation from SeaGate Travel (the 10th largest travel company in the US with a private charter division), one of the creators of the NBA airline (used by the White House staff & reporters off season), head of global marketing for NetJets/Marquis Jets BBJ program and as a luxury marketing consultant to many luxury brands including several private jet companies, has resulted in her having a large private wealthy aviation following.
When it comes to the ‘luxury sector’, Lorre White “The Luxury Guru” is untouchable; she’s also the CEO of White Light Consulting an international luxury marketing consulting company helping their clients reach and maintain the wealthiest 2% globally. “White Light means integrity, and we work with luxury brands to maintain their luxury brand integrity”, said MS White when asked about the meaning behind her company’s name. Most marketing people I have met do not even know what class marketing is; they cannot even distinguished the difference between blue chip companies and luxury brands. I was one of the first to study the specific motivations of the wealthy back when I was in university and this became my unique niche focus. This group responds very differently than the other 98%. You have to toss out most of what you learned in regular mass marketing. Today, top Universities offer Luxury MBA programs. The UHNW is a very large group when measured in dollar terms, and a very small group when measured by individuals. These are the taste makers & trend setters and they need a riffled approached instead of a mass market shot gun approach to marketing. “People with unlimited financial resources are unaffected by traditional approaches to luxury; they must be reached emotionally,... in holistic ways” stated MS White. Lorre is in the unique situation that not only luxury brands listen to Lorre about how to reach this demographic, but the actual UHNW listen to her too!
There are 2 types of Luxury Consumers: The aspirational and the UHNW or as she
If you know of Martha (Stewart) you are probably part of the 98%....if you know of Lorre (White), you are most likely part of the top 2% financially.
Twitter: "Lorre" for Luxury